A lots been happening over in our household. Since having her (Harlo's) seizure episodes and a couple trips to the hospital we are taking some action and grabbing the bull by the horns and setting ourself onto a new journey of holistic health!
Since this is my third, yes third health journey (my husband having ulcerative colitis and myself have hypothyroidism) I am very familiar with using and abusing all resources to educate myself on what we can do better, new things to incorporate and changes that need to be made within our current lifestyle. We are just starting our journey and have already met some incredible people who are providing guidance on Harlo's health and things we can incorporate to start healing her body. As of now we know that something in the left side of her brain is wanting to short circuit causing seizures. We also now understand that there are many reasons for seizures but one of the most common answers is "Unknown". This is our case.
So with that said I’m going to start blogging our journey in hopes that when we come across more resources that I can share them with you and be the person that I've desperately searched for when going through hard times. Whether you want to follow Harlo’s journey or know someone who could relate send them our way 💕.

I’m so glad I found your blog! I’m a fellow Crossfitter and have followed your husband since the Games last year. I also have 4 children and my oldest (age 14) has epilepsy. He was diagnosed at age 3. Long story short he did have epilepsy surgery at 5 and has been stable since then with the help of medication. Recently he has been having breakthrough seizures and on March 11 will be admitted to the Mayo Clinic to see if he is a candidate for surgery again. I do not think it is an accident I found your blog at the very moment. I have started researching again and I can’t wait to dive into your blog to see…